Fully Automated K3S etcd High Availability Install

Setting up k3s is hard. That`s why I made it easy. Today we`ll installation a High Availability K3s cluster the usage of etcd, MetalLB, kube-vip, and Ansible. We`ll automate the complete method supplying you with an easy, repeatable manner to create a k3s cluster that you may run in some minutes.


First, you`ll want Ansible installed.

Next, you’ll need to clone the repo.

1. git clone http://gitlab.xpdrive.cloud/markxp/k3s-ha.git && cd k3s-ha

Next, you’ll want to copy the sample directory within the inventory directory.

2. cp -R inventory/sample inventory/my-cluster

Installing k3s

Next, edit the inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini to match your systems. DNS works here too.






Edit inventory/my-cluster/group_vars/all.yml to your liking. See comments inline.

It’s best to start using these args, and optionally include traefik if you want it installed with k3s however I would recommend installing it later with helm

extra_server_args: "--disable servicelb --disable traefik"

extra_agent_args: ""

I would not change these values unless you know what you are doing. It will most likely not work for you but listing for posterity.

Note: These are for an advanced use case. There isn’t a one size fits all setting for everyone and their needs, I would try using k3s without these before changing. This could have undesired effects like nodes going offline, pods jumping or being removed, etc… Using these args might come at the cost of stability

extra_server_args: "--disable servicelb --disable traefik --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 --kube-apiserver-arg default-not-ready-toleration-seconds=30 --kube-apiserver-arg default-unreachable-toleration-seconds=30 --kube-controller-arg node-monitor-period=20s --kube-controller-arg node-monitor-grace-period=20s --kubelet-arg node-status-update-frequency=5s"

extra_agent_args: "--kubelet-arg node-status-update-frequency=5s"


Start provisioning of the cluster using the following command:

Note: note: add –ask-pass –ask-become-pass if you are using password SSH login.

3. ansible-playbook ./playbooks/site.yml -i ./inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini --ask-pass --ask-become-pass

After deployment control plane will be accessible via virtual ip address which is defined in inventory/my-cluster/group_vars/all.yml as apiserver_endpoint

kube config

To get access to your Kubernetes cluster and copy your kube config locally run:

4. scp This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config  


To remove k3s from the nodes. These nodes should be rebooted afterwards due to VIP still being present

ansible-playbook ./playbooks/reset.yml -i ./inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini --ask-pass --ask-become-pass

What's Next?

High Availability Rancher on Kubernetes

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